Monday, November 26, 2012
Thanksgiving Delight.
9:17 PM
Life has been incredibly busy recently, not only because of the recent holiday, but also the fact that we are going to Disneyland this week to take our engagement photos (finally)!
Here are some quick shots of our Thanksgiving eats... Nick woke up at the crack of dawn to make dinner which is pretty amazing in my book.
Here are some quick shots of our Thanksgiving eats... Nick woke up at the crack of dawn to make dinner which is pretty amazing in my book.
If you want to follow us on our Disneyland trip, I will be posting videos on my vlog YouTube channel when we get back. While you're there, please subscribe!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
save the date ideas.
8:23 PM
Although we are still unable to set a date for the wedding, I've been looking for some ideas on the internet. I can't decide if I will make them or purchase them... I guess it will depend on how much money I will actually save versus the time and effort they will require. I'm only slightly crafty, so it could be a risk!
Here are some of my favorite save the date card ideas...
Here are some of my favorite save the date card ideas...
If anyone has any suggestions or words of advice when it comes to buying/making and sending out save the dates, please let me know in the comments below!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
The Most Expensive Shirt I Will Ever Own...
1:09 PM
So, I'm about to purchase this shirt right here...
for our engagement photos (which will be taking place on the 30th of this month)! It is the Wildfox Couture Red Sparkle Heart Baggy Beach Jumper. While it might seem like an impulse buy ($100 on a sweater... crazy, right?)- I have been coveting this shirt for A YEAR! I'm serious. This seems like the perfect excuse to purchase it...
I got my dress from Topshop in the mail yesterday and I LOVE it! Now I need to figure out how I will style it for the photos.
And along the lines of buying things online, I'm also buying two of these:
According to the research I've done recently, Disneyland has discontinued these buttons! :( Thankfully, someone on Ebay is selling them, so I'm snatching them up to wear on our trip. Last time we were at the park, we got anniversary buttons because we were celebrating our 8 year anniversary.
Check out my next post to see how my bridesmaid Ariella and I spent our Friday night!
hi there!

i'm angelica. a twenty something, newly engaged, lover of literature and coffee.
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