Monday, March 25, 2013
back in business.
7:35 PM
We've received some really good, but bittersweet news! Nick was given a conditional job offer for the job we have been waiting to hear back about for over 5 months. There are just a few more steps to go before everything is official (fingers crossed because it's going to be a really intense few weeks for him).
Wedding planning literally came to a halt when the "interview" process started. I was anxious, but thought it would all be over with in just a few short weeks. I was so wrong. Even now, I can't officially start planning or set a date just yet until we know more. But, it feels good to know that we are moving forward!
The bittersweet part to it all is that if he does get the job, Nick will have to move to the Northern part of our state for his training. We just moved into this house, so I would have to stay here and work. I don't mind, but in the end I would much rather be with Nick. If November goes as we originally planned, Nick will come home for the weekend, we will get married and then come Monday morning he will be back to work. Overwhelming, but sacrifices must be made in life to reach your highest goals.
So, stay tuned because the wedding excitement is about to start again! Oh, and have I mentioned how much fun I am having decorating the new house?
Monday, March 18, 2013
Fashion Monday: Wildfox Dupe
5:30 AM
I am a big fan of Wildfox Couture jumpers and even own one myself (the glitter heart one I wore in our engagement photos). However, they are super expensive...
I was browsing through the Forever 21 website today and spotted this top, which looked oddly familiar.
It is the Cat Pattern Waffle Knit almost perfect dupe of the Wildfox Cat-Face Lennon Sweater (pictured below).
Wildfox Retail Price: $335
I was browsing through the Forever 21 website today and spotted this top, which looked oddly familiar.
It is the Cat Pattern Waffle Knit almost perfect dupe of the Wildfox Cat-Face Lennon Sweater (pictured below).
Wildfox Retail Price: $335
Forever 21 Price: $29.80
Although I love the quality of Wildfox, this pattern is sure to go out of style in the seasons to come. The investment in the F21 design would be far more worth the price.
Have you spotted any great fashion deals recently?
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Disneyland Trip Recap.
11:12 AM
We got back from Disneyland on Monday and we were absolutely exhausted, but had so much fun. Today, I'm sick, at home and in bed. I'm not sure if it's the warmer weather that has induced horrible allergies + migraines, or the fact that my body is so taxed from moving into our new house and then immediately going out of town that it decided to get sick! But, I just wanted to do a trip recap while everything is still fresh in my mind!
Last time we went to Disneyland was at the end of November/beginning of December to take our engagement photos. As you may recall, it poured rain like no other. I knew that it would rain on Friday this time, so I thought nothing of it because I feel like a pro in the rain at Disneyland now. To our surprise, it was snowing and hailing on our way through Cajon Pass which was pretty terrifying! But, we still got to the Mickey and Friends parking lot around 7:30 and went straight to our favorite breakfast spot...the Rainforest cafe.
Last time we went to Disneyland was at the end of November/beginning of December to take our engagement photos. As you may recall, it poured rain like no other. I knew that it would rain on Friday this time, so I thought nothing of it because I feel like a pro in the rain at Disneyland now. To our surprise, it was snowing and hailing on our way through Cajon Pass which was pretty terrifying! But, we still got to the Mickey and Friends parking lot around 7:30 and went straight to our favorite breakfast spot...the Rainforest cafe.
We then headed into Disneyland and hung out on Main Street while we waited for the rest of our group to join us. It was cold and basically every ride was a walk on!
Lunch was corn dogs in DCA (I could eat one of those every week, seriously). Dinner was at Hungry Bear (did somebody say Honey Lemon cupcake?)
On Day 2, we used our Magic Morning and walked onto everything in Tomorrowland and then immediately headed over to DCA to get in line for RSR fast passes. We ended up with an 11:50-12:50 return time which was impressive since we got over there a little bit late. Most of day 2 was spent in DCA...
Dinner at Carthay Circle was amazing! The four of us got a private room (by pure luck), which made the experience even better. Nick and I had been there two times before, so we knew to order the Spicy Duck wings and biscuits as appetizers. I went with the short rib ravioli... which I got last time but could not enjoy due to my wisdom teeth coming in. We finished up with dessert in order to get out WoC passes. Seriously- nothing is better than the lemon berry cake they have there!
Day 3, Nick and I spent most of our day soaking up Disneyland. As much as I love DCA, nothing can be better than the original. Our friends who have not been to Disneyland since they were much younger preferred DCA to DL and I hope they change their minds someday.
Nick and I stood in line for 60 minutes for Dole Whips (FYI- outside to inside line ratio is 3:1 according to the CM working the stand...we were dumb and waited on the inside, but oh well). We were super excited that Maynard was the CM working the Tiki Room show (look him up on Reddit).
Lunch was at the Earl of Sandwich. We have one in Vegas, but have never been. I was not disappointed with the holiday sandwich. It was delicious!
Dinner was our first visit to Big Thunder BBQ, which is AYCE... I wish I would have remembered to bring zip loc bags because they would have made for some good leftovers!
I also picked up some pieces from the new Beautifully Disney line. I would have purchased more, but didn't want to go crazy... they were actually sold out of some of the items which was disappointing.
Our night ended with fireworks, which always make me tear up. We actually happened to be standing in the very same spot that Walt spoke at on opening day! It made it even more special.
Overall, the trip was exhausting, but a success! I never realized what it was really like to take people who have not really experienced Disneyland around the parks before. I was a little disappointed that I did not get to meet up with the members of the Disgeek Podcast who were there in the parks because we were just so busy and all over the place. There's always next time... which I hope is not too far away!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
I'm still alive!
10:40 PM
Just in the process of unpacking, cleaning and then packing for our trip this weekend!
I'll catch up next week when it all winds down and can give a proper recap!
I'll catch up next week when it all winds down and can give a proper recap!
hi there!

i'm angelica. a twenty something, newly engaged, lover of literature and coffee.
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